Impact and Management of SARS-CoV-2 in Costa Rica
This is the second in our series on the international treatment of COVID 19. This course is FREE.
Target Audience
All pharmacists
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, the attendee will be able to:
Describe the characteristics of the COVID 19 pandemic in Costa Rica
List the drugs used in treating COVID 19 patients in Costa Rica
Describe the role of the Costa Rican pharmacist in the pandemic
Describe the current situation regarding the COVID 19 vaccine in Costa Rica
Esteban Zavaleta, PharmD, MSM, is the Pharmacy Director at Hospital Clinica Biblica, San Jose, Costa Rica, Professor of Hospital Pharmacy at UCIMED and the University of Costa Rica, Coordinator of Clinical Pharmacy at UCIMED, Professor at Pharmacy Internship Program for UCIMED and the University of Costa Rica.
Esteban received his PharmD degree from the University of Costa Rica, where during his studies, he had the opportunity to practiced and work in other pharmacy fields such as pharmaceutical industry (quality control and research and development) and marketing. His first job was as a Community Pharmacist where he gained experience in patient education and pharmaceutical care. Less than two years later, he applied for a position as a Hospital Pharmacist, where he improved and develop new practices such as clinical pharmacy, parenteral nutrition, oncology, antimicrobial stewardship program, nuclear medicine, extemporaneous preparations.
Also, he has been active in a variety of pharmacy organizations, such as ASOFACO (The Costa Rican Association of Community Pharmacists), ASOFAHO (The Costa Rican Association of Hospital Pharmacists) and the Costa Rican College of Pharmacists, where his collaboration has been related to the implementation of advanced pharmaceutical practices and local policies.
José Pablo Díaz Madriz, PharmD. is a Clinical Pharmacist at Hospital Clínica Bíblica, San José, Costa Rica. He also works as a Pharmacology Professor in the University of Costa Rica and UCIMED, Head of the Pharmacology Department at UCIMED and Member of UCIMED Ethics Committee.
Dr. Díaz received his PharmD. degree from University of Costa Rica and since then has been working in the field of Infectious Diseases. He is the head of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program of Hospital Clínica Bíblica and he also has work in this topic as an advisor and a consultant to the Costa Rican College of Pharmacists, Ministry of Health, Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization.
Dr. Díaz has published several papers in local and international journals related to medication use and pharmacy practices.
No conflicts of interest exist with these presenters.
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The Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.