Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy for a Healthier Future

September 14, 2023



Target Audience

All pharmacists

Learning Objectives


Describe the status of routine vaccination rates in the United States
Identify candidates for routine vaccinations  
Explain ways to address vaccine hesitancy
Discuss strategies to promote vaccine confidence
Review techniques to improve vaccine adherence

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 ACPE
    The Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
09/14/2023 - 7:00pm EDT
Event ends: 
09/14/2023 - 8:00pm EDT
United States


A Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before the event.

Dr. Eric Yager is an Associate Professor of Microbiology in the Department of Basic and Clinical Sciences at the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS). At ACPHS, Dr. Yager instructs several courses in the life sciences (Immunology, Virology, Microbiology Lab, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, Introduction to Flow Cytometry) and serves as Program Director of the College’s Pre-Pharmacy Program. As a faculty member of the College’s Stack Family Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training (CBET), Dr. Yager is involved with student instruction, the development of workshops for workforce training, and helping to identify opportunities for partnerships and collaborations in industry and academia. Dr. Yager

has over 20 years of experience in the areas of virology, immunology, antibody-based therapies, anti-virals, and vaccines. Dr. Yager has authored 27 peer-reviewed articles and several book chapters, has given invited talks at several regional and national scientific conferences, and has been interviewed by several local and national media outlets. Dr. Yager is also enthusiastic about educating individuals on viruses and vaccines, as demonstrated by his continuing guest spot on talk radio to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and his public webinars on the 1918 flu pandemic.

UAN# 0042-0000-23-067-L01-P

Available Credit

  • 1.00 ACPE
    The Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.


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Required Hardware/software

This activity will be presented over zoom. You have already received the zoom information. Some phones and other small devices do not function as well as a laptop or desktop.